Take the MLEI Assessment
Ignite Self-Discovery
Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI)®
Your success as a leader in life and business starts with greatness in your inner-core. Take the MLEI to uncover your inner-core strengths and gaps and learn strategies for leveraging your strengths and addressing your gaps.
This assessment has over 12,000 global leaders in the database including Steve Jobs, Roger Enrico of Pepsico, Bill Logue of Fed Ex, and thousands more. All these world-class leaders started their ILEC coaching journey with the MLEI assessment.
Click on the link to take your own assessment. The results are confidential and once completed, you will be qualified for a complimentary, one-hour coaching session to debrief the assessment with a master-certified ILEC executive coach. The results are confidential, and only the coach and yourself will have access to the results.
What are you waiting for? Time is precious and your personal leadership journey can start today!