Breaking Down All Five of the “5 Cultures of Culture”
Brands understand that their key differentiators make up the value propositions offered to consumers. Isn’t it interesting that companies don’t always see their own corporate culture the same way? Culture is definitely a unique identifier, a reflection of the traits and personalities that make companies an attractive place to work. Furthermore, culture done right enhances employee engagement and satisfaction levels in the workplace. Culture definitely starts at the top, which is why leadership development is one of ILEC’s primary missions.
This blog edition focuses on the “5 Cultures of Culture”, and how each segment plays a critical part in the effort to build and sustain a truly transformative culture.
Capability Culture “Can Do”
An organization with a superior corporate culture will foster a “can do” atmosphere, where employees of all levels feel equally vested in the ability to make positive contributions to collective success.
Commitment Culture “Will Do”
It’s one thing to feel empowered in the belief that you can make a difference, but the best examples of corporate culture encourage follow through. That means creating a risk-taking environment, where employees are comfortable in knowing that any failures are merely seen as learning opportunities.
Connectedness Culture “Must Do”
Sound organizations are made up of many moving parts, different departments whose employees have different skills, means and methods of contributing to overall success. But companies with enviable corporate cultures almost always possess a notable level of connectivity that’s readily visible at the individual level.
Individual Performance Culture
Leadership that doesn’t adhere to its own organizational standards can be a corporate culture killer. When leaders are seen as important role models, how they respond to internal—and external—feedback is crucial to course corrective action.
Team Performance Culture
Abraham Lincoln is credited with stating that “…a house, divided against itself, cannot stand.” It’s a phrase that holds true for many multifaceted and complex organizations. Across different departments, among the many levels of job positions, companies must go through many course corrections to establish truly collaborative environments.
Think for a moment about your current employer and their leadership team. How would you rate the company’s corporate culture? Are they making a real effort to establish best practices, or is culture just a window dressing item? If your organization hasn’t mapped out a clear and concise vision, mission, and purpose for its employees, perhaps it’s time you connected with a master certified ILEC coach. We can begin with an initial assessment of your current engagement level, then provide a full debriefing session.
Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC) is the world’s #1 executive coaching platform dedicated to growing tomorrow’s leaders through organizational transformation. Our master certified ILEC coaches utilize a proven blueprint and philosophy designed to highlight the long-term benefits of investing in human capital. If you’re ready to take the all-important first step, let’s discuss your mission, vision, and purpose.